Videos online now
As the past months in particular have shown us, digital content is very much in vogue and continues to gain in importance. We are following this course and will constantly expand our advertising and information material. As a first step, we have created short product videos in cooperation with long-standing customers from industry and trade, which can now be accessed on our website for the following:
-Topics Pre-dough/Sourdough (Tanks W&K-Automation – YouTube)
-Residual bread processing/rework (Residual bread concept W&K-Automation – YouTube)
-Hammer mills (Hammer mills W&K-Automation – YouTube)
More videos, e.g. on the Petit Levain small-scale fermenter and the WAMI water dosing system, will follow shortly.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers and partners who made their plants and premises available to us for the recordings.
Petit Levain with new touch panel and heating option
In the course of a larger delivery to a large Asian bakery, we have tackled the modernisation of our Petit Levain small-scale fermenters. From now on, we will be using the compact X7-A control system with touch display, which we, as the German distributor, obtain directly from our partner Horner.

In the new design, recipes can be processed even more easily and the fermentation process can be followed more easily. In addition to the standard cooling, the machine can now be optionally equipped with heating for improved temperature control. If you are interested, please contact us directly at

Your interest has been aroused? The models SPL-150, -300 and -500 are available from stock in Cologne. Please feel free to contact us or find further product information on our Homepage