Whether you get your yeast delivered as dry powder / granulate, or cream yeast, W&K-Automation GmbH offers you an integrated system that will safely and consistently handle your yeast in a temperature controlled unit all the way to your mixing system.
We offer a dissolver tank for powder or granulated yeast as well as storage/dosing tanks.
If you have longer piping (product circulation) and several dosing stations, we install heat exchangers or lined piping with coolant in the double wall. Additional CIP-systems or automated routines for flushing and sanitizing the lines can be integrated in to the control system to guarantee hygienic and safe product handling.
Industry solutions
For the industrial customers we offer storage tanks with a capacity of 30.000l.
The delivery is undertaken by tanker trucks of your preferred yeast producer.
In the different areas of the system, independent Cleaning steps can be carried out without interrupting production.